Although orthodontic treatments are similar depending on the individual’s tooth and skeletal structure and complaints, the treatment plan may be different for each case. Early diagnosis of orthodontic problems is extremely important. Defects can be prevented or minimized in early diagnosed anomalies.
If skeletal disorders are diagnosed before growth and development is completed (on average, around the age of 12 in girls and 14 in boys), their treatment is possible. Otherwise, such disorders can often be treated only with a combination of surgical interventions and orthognathic treatment (orthognathic surgery).)

Diagnosis and Treatment of Orthodontic Disorders
Orthodontic disorders are mainly classified under 3 headings.
Problems can be skeletal, dental, or a combination of both. In addition, by using panoramic x-rays, the eruption time, eruption direction, root status and number of teeth can be diagnosed.
Orthodontic treatment can be applied in children as well as in adult patients.
As a beautiful and aesthetic smile comes to the fore in daily work and social life, the demand for orthodontic treatment in adults is increasing.
Treatments in Orthodontics
The use of treatment options may vary according to the needs of the case and the demand of the patient. We can sort as follows:
- Metal Brackets
- Transparent Brackets
- Clamshell Brackets (Frictionless systems)
- Treatment with Transparent Plates